
“Turbonerd”, and anime smileys.

1. I was very much looking forward to this movie and am genuinely disappointed, I know some people go to pay for things just so they can shit on it but that’s an idiotic thing to do.

Hahahahaha “objectively” hahahahaha

The “return to form” is due to it being a complete rehash. All it will be remembered for is how it pointed out all the old things about Star Wars you should remember. I believe this will become the general consensus in time, once everyone’s nostalgia tears have dried up.

With a user score of 7.5 on metacritic it seems you’re right. People get that it’s a slightly above average film made more of old Star Wars references than anything else.

I don’t see what’s there to celebrate about this movie, really...

This whole movie felt like “hey guys, we remember old Star Wars! See? See?”

Pssst, I’ll give you a little hint: pretty much all the hilariously stupid assumptions you’ve been making since the start have been wrong, you thief full of excuses. :)

5 minutes of internet fame is worth a lot to some people.

That’s great, kid. Anyway, you’re boring and I’m done here, so prove to me how much of a little twerp you really are and take the last word. Go on. :)

Hahaha “bro”

I always managed to get my games working in the end. I just got tired of it. I guess it’s much better nowadays, and I’ll admit a lot of my fatigue is buildup from the days when even something basic like getting sound to work was a chore. But even in the few recent instances I’ve played a version of a game on PC, I’ve


You know what? I get the impression you’re not very bright. :(

learn the compenents, learn where to check for better info on crashes (Event vwr!) learn how to maintain a gaming pc.

This is precisely what happens with almost all HD remasters, or even worse, 3D games run in an emulator. It all starts to fall apart. But people will think you’re crazy for even saying so, because HD is the be all end all apparently, even if it makes the game look like a broken inconsistent mess.

I was right with you up until the point where you tried to tell us HQ4X and its ilk were anything but gross, horrific distortions...



Hahahaha oh wow you don’t stop embarrassing yourself further and further don’t you? It’s very amusing to watch, please keep going.