
Hahahaha oh fuck off you big fat troll. Go back to your basement and share your floppies and “stick it to the man” you poor underprivileged little thief you.

It’s an argument made by people who have no argument. It’s a mentality that’s medieval, and it frightens me that it still exists.

You said everything I wanted to say. People keep focusing on the one young character and are ignoring all the other stuff. THINK OF THE CHILDREN indeed, more like use the children to force our own political agendas.

Running this game in HD actually makes it way less impressive because the added clarity exposes all the cracks and seams and low-poly parts, and just breaks the illusion/suspension of disbelief. There’s a reason I keep a CRT TV around for older consoles.

I think it’s kinda weird that you want a lot of the games on the WiiU yet don’t want to buy the system. Would almost make someone think you have a bit of a thing against Nintendo.

When an emulator is made during the life of a system, its cons sure as hell outweigh the pros. Emulation is for preservation, not for people to avoid giving game developers money.

I know it’s difficult to understand but sales numbers are a complex issue. Which means there are many contributing factors. Piracy is one of them, and can have a major or minor impact on the whole. That doesn’t justify it.

so extensive that they couldn’t even be bothered unzip and play them.

Being hacked sure didn’t do its software sales any good.

All true, but I’ve witnessed at least two people who already resolved not to buy a WiiU JUST because of the prospect of emulation at some point in the future.

Nintendo is a developer too, so maybe if you really want to avoid giving them any money for some reason, yet you want to play some other games on their system, it could make sense for you. I’d call you a bit of a jerk, but hey.

Really? You just tried to counter the fact that it’s gonna cause piracy by saying that people are going to use it for other things, too? Like I said, I’ve been into emulation for longer than some people here have maybe been alive, I know all about its pros as well as its cons. And the pros don’t negate the cons in

Hey, seems I hit a bit close to home for another person! :-)

Sounds like I hit a little close to home for someone!

the software sales on Wii were amazing.

Please take that tired, TIRED old argument elsewhere.

That’s extremely inaccurate. I could see that maybe being true as a base requirement, but above that there are unique complexities in certain systems that up the required processing power by large amounts. Look at bsnes/higan for example.

Oh hey, it’s not like the WiiU really needs any more sales anyway, does it?

I feel that this post is somehow appropriate. You might have read it, but here it is for those that haven’t. Food for thought.

Sometimes I feel I don’t care about the controls and I wish certain developers would focus on content as hard as they do on polishing their precious control systems.