
Everybody needs to be laughed at from time to time. Too bad it doesn’t happen often enough to some people.

Idunno man, there’s a whole lotta modern developers that could still learn a thing or two from them.

Don’t listen to that omnichad guy, SNES games were never meant to look blocky. A 4K TV might actually be pretty damn good at simulating an old CRT television, since it has the detail to create more accurate scanlines given the right shader, and even enough detail to properly simulate an old TV aperture grille.

Haha maybe it did. Now I’m hoping for L-block: the musical.

Oh, well you saying this was gonna put any sort of shine on undertale had me thinking otherwise.


We’re definitely not getting an airship. When was the last time we had one of those in an FF? Airships are way too much fun and we can’t have fun in our serious final fantasies.

Here’s a great post I found while randomly googling for RPG stuff, it explains almost exactly why I appreciate world maps so much and why I think it’s a massive disappointment whenever I see a JRPG without one (which is like 99% of the time nowadays...), and, incidentally, why I loathe the everloving fuck out of FFX

I’m sorry but full-size worlds are boring as fuck. They are useless filler. Why do you think all games like that have quick-travel?

I think you, like so many Gamefaqs users, are taking this a little too seriously. Winning the gf poll isn’t going to make a game “shine”, just like winning the character poll didn’t make Tetris L-block shine. It’s just internet culture wars. It is irrelevant.

That’s a live action movie, which is absolutely different. CG in live action movies gave us Jurassic Park, and has only gotten better since. It’s 3D trying to mimic 3D, by letting a computer follow all the technical rules of real-life light and shape. Which it can do better than a human ever could.

Well I just disagree, when I look at the comic I see a clear reference to the worrying about feminism in gaming stuff, as well as gay/trans/POC/other social issues in gaming. Kind of a catch-all. But I guess we could argue bout it all day, only Mike and Jerry know for sure.

No I’m pretttty sure it has a lot to do with certain recent drama trends, especially on this blog, and comments on any post about a game with any sort of non-PC indulgence: “See, THIS is why videogames aren’t taken seriously, and they never will until they change!” is probably a familiar phrase by now.

I’m not surprised Kotaku did not choose to post this. :)

I’m glad you asked, and I’d absolutely love to, but seeing what kind of (gaming and non-gaming) things people in general throw their money at, I don’t think recognition of talent in any area is something that can really be taught. :)

People should stop blaming Kickstarter for their own total lack of judgement. I have backed around 10 projects so far and all of them either already delivered or are looking very good in terms of progress.

People should stop blaming Kickstarter for their own total lack of judgement. I have backed around 10 projects so far and all of them either already delivered or are looking very good in terms of progress.

Why yes I am pretty deft, thank you for noticing.