
Who’s being serious?

What???? You horrible white male nerd, this is just a male power fantasy! Check your privilege and educate yourself promptly, please.

Are you... are you trying to do like a parody of an SJW?


I’m sorry kids but this looks exactly like what it is - a fanmade render. Anyone can make 3D models of stuff that somewhat resembles the source material, but it takes real talent to achieve that Nintendo sheen, which this does not have in the slightest.

Nah they won’t even sell it. Even as DLC, it would be something that’s actually a traditional RPG feature that some people want. And we can’t have that! Everything has to be reductionist bullshit like FFXIII.

Glad someone said it. People drool over shiny details and are blind to the fact that the overall image looks like a collection of clip-art. I dislike the leaves on the trees especially.

This is what you hear all the time, “oh if I use the same program as this guy then I’ll have skill too!” Same reason 2D and 3D artists constantly get asked about what programs they use. And people don’t realize this, but it’s almost like an insult, like saying “you didn’t really do this on your own, the program did it

I know what’s next: they removed flying the airship. Because everything is just up-close walking now.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA serves you remake whiners right. This is what you get.

If you’re talking about DotT, there are several details in the screenshots released so far that show classical signs of auto-vectoring. If you’ve really worked with Illustrator for ten years you should know these little things that tend to happen when a vectorizer doesn’t quite “get” a heavily pixelized shape like a

All games look the fucking same nowadays anyway.

They’re not remastering shit. They’re running the game through one of those vector filters like they did with DotT.

Absolutely agreed, but beware, because there are many many idiots out there who are blind to anything resembling aesthetics, and to them, statistics are the be-all-end-all of game visuals. If it’s HD, it’s better, the end. And they’ll mock you for ever believing otherwise.

Holy shit, the left one looks so much better.

No Jason. It’s still an MMO, no matter how much anyone tries to convince anyone that it isn’t. You’re still a non-character, just dropped into a big collection of dungeons and raids. You’re still merely an observer to a story, instead of a protagonist in it. A story that still doesn’t even seem like it’s there,

I feel like MMO players really tend to misrepresent what their games actually are like. There’s that certain blindness that comes from being on the inside looking out, I think.

I’m sorry but I want to start the game and be able to say “now THIS feels like Final Fantasy” immediately.

I will play FFXI the day they make it into an offline game on one disk, give it one clear story progression (a proper beginning is important) to get rid of the feeling it’s just a collection of raid dungeons you’re dropped into, and create some proper protagonists to play with. Personalities, relevant storylines of
