
Wellll GTA is kinda different I think, the lion’s share of criticism there comes from older “authority figures” that young people (well... I think us ~30 year olds can still be considered young... right? :P) love to push back against. DOAX though, is affected by a trend among people our own age, our “peers” for lack

Unfortunately there are others who do let public opinion sway their buying behavior, and being shamed (for something nobody should ever be shamed for) does likely lead to lower sales for these kinds of games, I think.

Please stop bandying about the words chemical and natural the way you’re doing. We don’t need more ignorance when it comes to diet.

On the contrary, I believe it’s a perfect reflection. Big-budget PC exclusives are few and far between. Most of the expensive AAA development takes place for console, because a population of dozens of millions of completely identical system configurations is an attractive place to invest. PC gamers benefit from this,

I really hope that retarded clickbait headline is meant as satire or whatever.

The reason you think you have yet to see something CGI that fooled you is because you were fooled by it.

It makes me depressed that anyone thinks this is an improvement. It looks flat, blocky and terrible. Ooohhh but it’s HD and 3D!

Exactly. And there’s more than the tree tops, too. Everything just looks flat and blocky and unlit, especially the teleporters.


But that’s not what we’re looking at here in this screenshot. Some people actually do this to their games and think it’s superior just because technically the polygons are sharper.

If you look at the chains, they are long enough not to pull on the boobs very much or at all while raising her arms.

You shouldn’t be browsing kotaku while at work anyway. Oh and btw you’re fired.

There just isn’t anything on the Vita worth playing to me, that I can’t play elsewhere. I’ve not seen a single exclusive killer app for it, not even when a Vita fan posts a list of about a hundred games populated with ports upon ports and a few obscure Japanese visual novels.

Of course it’s lacking soul. It’s an online multiplayer game, how can you expect it to convey anything of the sort?

It makes about as much sense for Zelda as it would for Halo or Tomb Raider or anything else, but these incredible navel-gazing chucklefucks are going to keep trying anyway.

Hahahaha oh god fuck of, please just fuck off. That or be a bit consistent for once in your life, and go off on a crusade against every character in a game series who has ever had a gender.

“Different” takes? Looks like it’s all the same horrible shit.

That still doesn’t tell me much, FFX (which as you remember I haven’t a high opinion of) was also connected from start to end.... in one long straight line.

Wait, so you don’t get XP or money? Or you mean it’s balanced so you don’t have to grind? Because the later SNES RPG’s such as CT or FF6 didn’t require grinding to progress anyway, so that’s hardly a feat of modern game design.

Hear hear. Legend of Heroes looks like a bit of an indie game compared to Xenoblade.