
Aww I thought you said bye? Couldn’t resist to come back for another jab? I think there’s one person that needs to grow up here. Hint: it’s you. ;)

That is so funny, because I know one group who resembles a pitchfork mob more than any other, and it’s not GG. :)

You don’t know? Then educate yourself before you spout your bullshit out of your mouth. You little gang bitch. LOL

It is brave to stand up and say something in a forum where the conclusion is already done and dusted and you’re basically going to get dogpiled for doing so. Or maybe it’s foolish.

No, the hateful group is the side that pretends to be full of love and goodness, but in secret has no problem with shit like this: http://archive.is/HV3MM

So the side this person represents is worthy of respect, you’d say?

You’re very brave trying to be reasonable in a place full of people with knee-jerk reactions such as this. But as you’ve seen, the only thing you’re going to get from their “side” is blind rage.

Altman be praised!

Way to ruin Mario Maker’s graphics with that terrible color-reduced gif. Use webm!

OK so, am I the only one who thinks these games look incredibly better on the low-res PSP screen? All of the low-poly graphics and sprites just seem to fit it so much better, it makes it look like an actual videogame.

It’s aged “terribly” in the same sense that a classic oldtimer aged terribly. Sure it’s not up to modern standards but you’re a bit of a cunt if you can’t appreciate it for what it is.

Yeah and ad-delivered malware is devastating for my computer. Until the online ad industry gets their shit together, they’re not coming in.

because of the limited visual palette it’s working with.

Umm, yes they have? Nintendo are one of the most consistent quality developers out there. If you’re going to sit here and argue that they aren’t, then I have nothing else to say because that would be willful ignorance.

Everyone’s different. In general, like I said I wouldn’t recommend it for new players, just like I wouldn’t do the same for Mario.

Just don’t expect those games on a fucking phone and you’ll be fine. They’ll be on a proper Nintendo gaming system.

But it’s the one you deserve!

Being 16 is even worse! Raging hormones that shorten one’s attention span to about 2.5 seconds can’t help, there.

Getting everything from the card game is just one way to play, though. Just because you can, doesn’t mean that regular gameplay is any worse for it. You can finish Mario by avoiding most enemies, and probably get the best completion time in the process. Which can be fun, but I wouldn’t recommend it for first time