
Despite the fact that enemies level up with you, leveling up in 8 gives you clear advantages over regular enemies and bosses, since in practice actual power in battle does not scale linearly. Not to mention the fact that enemies that level up get different, higher level spells to draw as well as better items to steal.

Frankly I think anyone who didn’t enjoy the train rides in ST or the sailing in WW is a jaded old man who’s just stressing about not having enough time to do anything inbetween obligations and just wants to get their action in as fast as possible, unable to relax, enjoy or appreciate simpler pleasures such as pulling

See now THAT’s how you pay homage to a classic game, while leaving the historic original alone without stupid vector filters or bad replacement art (looking at you FFVI iOS). This looks great.

“Terrible”??? Why, exactly?

Really? Aren’t a lot of games nowadays basically all story and cutscene with barely any gameplay to speak of? (Hey, I’m starting to sound like an old man too! You were right!)

Yet you admit to having a mindset like “You kids today have no idea how good you have it and you’re choosing to play games that look like the crap I had to play”. That sounds worse, to me.

What do you mean they don’t do anything? They’re a username in code form. You need a username to connect to friends in any online gaming service, unless you want to fuck about telling them to come to some server and hope they can find you in the player list, which seems worse than typing in a one-time code.

I can think of a lot of posts to which that would be a pretty good reply... but this isn’t really one of them.

I like your “answer” but it doesn’t really answer anything, does it.

Yes! But you have to add everyone’s friend codes via the 3DS menu, because Nintendo.

Holy shit, five years into the 3DS’s lifecycle there’s STILL someone crying about friend codes?

If you wanna live in your little world where every game has to be HD by rule of law or else, regardless of aesthetics or authorial intent, you can already do that. You got a whole industry doing that shit specifically for you. So what’s with the bitching?

The rest of the world was disappointed you didn’t quit posting? I mean I would sympathize with them, but I think you may be overestimating your own celebrity status...

That’s pretty sad for you. It’s unfortunate the evil gamer hordes didn’t make you quit coming on gaming forums so we wouldn’t have to listen to your drivel.

Not seeing these evil misogynistic male gamers the OP predicted, so he was just being a douche.

Of course it’s censorship, and it messes with consistency in some instances. Someone else here already mentioned this: “One of the girls is a model and feels like a cheapened object when she has to do sexy gravure photo ops. They censored that scene and put her in regular clothes so it literally makes no sense.”

Don’t you mean Gammy.

Wow, your post is the most depressing thing I’ve read all day.

If Max has to watch Chloe die in order to do the right thing for everyone, that’s....god damn.

I find this strange. 1000 polys is NOT very much for a prop nowadays, and NO player character has only 1000 polys unless they’re going for a Quake 2 look, even in an MMO.