
Are you in England? Because I’m pretty sure in continental Europe, commodore and amiga were rare curiosities that didn’t have Mario or Megaman or Zelda on them. None of the magazines or TV shows over here certainly spent any time on them, and NESes were the centerpiece in every kid’s game room.

Really? Because here in the Netherlands barely anyone knew what a Master System was. I’ve never even seen one in my life, not even the magazines covered it. Everyone had a NES. It wasn’t until the Megadrive that Sega became kind of a thing, though barely (want Squaresoft or Enix games? Megaman? Good luck if you had a

Oh god no. FUCK no. Am I fucking glad developers don’t think like you (except Treyarch apparently but they are the last to take seriously when it comes to single player campaigns).

Besides bilinear filtering and proper z-buffering (the latter which is demonstrated the first time Mario’s pipe appears out of the ground in Mario64 - impossible to do on the PSX), the N64 also featured edge anti-aliasing, perspective correct texturing and floating point vertex calculations. The lack of the last two