
I saw them at a couple of places in Cuba, which was interesting- because almost all toilets don’t have toilet seats. but also toilet paper is VERY hard to come by so foreigners usually need to bring some back up (unless you’re staying in some fancy hotel). It always felt like something that wealthy people had, only,

Yeah, her performance on SNL- or rather who she had on stage with her, felt like she thought she could get away with what Gwen Stefani did a long time ago (cultural appropriation over and over and over), but play it off as inclusion.

This is so fucking good. YES.

“come back up making a Mr. Yuck face, that’s hit her straight in a massive insecurity.”

So, things are going great. Two weeks ago, before I left for a 9 day trip to Cuba (and therefore really no internet or texting/communication) I was, of course, anxious. His stated to me were that he wasn’t going anywhere, and I’m the only person he is seeing. We’re still going on dates. I said to him early on that I

They may claim that, but I’m confused as to why people actually believe it. It seems very clear to me that they’re not cheaper than the grocery store, but I’m fucking paying for convenience (I use Plated, everything else has been shit for various reasons in comparison). If you live by yourself or with only one other

Well, I just got home from our 6th or 7th date? I don’t even know if that’s dating at this point (dating has never been a thing for me- it’s been 3 dates an bailing, or it’s been instant serious connections that have gone on for years with immediate girlfriend/boyfriend labels).

I was curious about his upcoming talk here in Chicago. And then I saw that tickets started at $50.

Somehow I do not know how to DM on Kinja so for now:

I agree with you. My thoughts are- what if he just wants to be with me for sex? I don’t want -just that-.

Ugh. It’s weird when someone has a story (at least, you know, the small paragraph synopsis story) that sounds like something or someone you’d root for- but for some reason I’ve just never had that for her.

I’ve gone on several, what I would call, perfect dates with this new guy. He’s clearly taking it slow- which I appreciate. I was in an on again off again mentally and emotionally abusive relationship from 2012-Jan of 2016. I’ve gone through a ton of treatment for it/trauma. I feel, and my therapist agrees, I’m ready.

I have tried to drop hints to any guy I’ve ever dated that I would strongly prefer an edible arrangements basket over anything else for any holiday.

I’ve been using Supergoop (I really don’t like the name)- but it’s been solid for a year now (for me). My skin is pretty dry and I have some occasional facial spots of psorasis. I always use bronzer as well, and it spreads well on top of it.

I’ve been using Supergoop (I really don’t like the name)- but it’s been solid for a year now (for me). My skin is

I don’t know if this will work but here’s my dude Henry:

I don’t know. Trump has no experiences and it shows, but he’s surrounded by advisors who are absolutely nuts and have an agenda that serves nobody but themselves. I sort of feel like- yeah, anyone but Trump- but I think she’d also have a really progressive, level headed group of advisors, a cabinet that makes sense.


I binged the first one... but the second season isn’t holding my attention and I’m just bored and annoyed. I don’t know what it is yet.

“There would be no Rainbow Bridge for Ollie.”

And how his legs straighten out.