
I love him so much.

Is this guy single?

What’s great about working for a major insurance company is my incredibly high deductible.

God, yes. My most flakiest, always late to shit friend moved on to a poly life. I think it’s hysterical to think of her trying to balance everything she already couldn’t balance with a primary and two other boyfriends.

Does anyone know where I can watch Anne of Green Gables with Megan Follows? I looked a few months ago.... nothing.

Not only do you deserve that bagel, but it’s National Bagel Day. Get yourself a god damn bagel. And trudging through snow, you’ll have no reason to feel guilty about eating one.

Now playing

Salt and Pepper Diner will make me cry with tears every. time.

Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere or in an article that I was too lazy to read all the way through and skimmed.

I’m terrified of motorcycles. But I also really want to hang out with these women. And I live in Chicago. So I’m probably going to awkwardly show up, and maybe someone will enlighten me about motorcycles and change my life forever.

I think I’ve been using these for 20 years.

My thing was- when I think of Bjork, it’s beyond her music. Everything she does has a strong visual focus. It’s Day for Night- it’s a visual and music festival.

Anyways, I *liked* X Factor.

Did he authorize or give the ok on her statue in Corpus? Because that thing is god awful.

Where is Miss Jay? Is there an instagram or some sort of online presence- because I need Miss Jay in my life.

I never know why Rita Ora is anywhere.

I love Torchy’s. They’re white people tacos, but the Trailer Park Taco- made trashy (doused in green chile con quest) is something that nobody else can replicate and I dream about it and it is one of 5 things I must eat when visiting my home state.

This may be sacrilege but LI’m personally a Hruska’s diehard, but Czech Stop is amazing as well.

Not trash! Buc-ees is an institution and I miss it so. fucking. much. I can’t count how many road trips I went on in my life there from when I was born until I was 28 (and left)- but Buc-ees and Central Texas Czech kolache stops (do not miss if you haven’t been before) are something that can’t be found anywhere else.

Faerie Tale Theater was everything to me when I was a kid.

OH MY GOD, that would be the best manufactured story line, ever.