Nixon's Back!

Nobody gives a shit about your bunk-ass oatmeal mush and your faux-foodspin writing voice. If you want savory oatmeal, learn how to cook risotto like a “grown-ass person.”

inflation is essentially interest at the prime rate. and vice versa.

There’s a difference between the target and the topic of a joke. If you learn that difference, you might enjoy more things. And maybe you’ll be less annoying in general.

I dunno, as a book-reader who’s participated heavily in discussions on AVClub, we’ve made (what I seem to think) is a super-welcoming space for both book readers (thread a week for book spoilers, clearly denoted) and fresh TV-goers! Join in if you want to talk, it’s a pretty fun board.

I am fine switching to metric for most things (particularly for volume), but you can pry Fahrenheit from my cold-dead hands (measured in F).

Broken Age was a good game. Who really gives a shit that it was delayed? Other than all the mega-whiners who keep listing it as an example of a bad KS game?

I’m not one hundred percent sure that Broken Age should be on the ‘fail’ list.

I’ve mentioned it before but John Cornish faced the same dilemma at KU. He wanted to take physics but Mangino wouldn’t let him.

It’s “biased”. Quit living down to the illiterate Trumpaloompa stereotype.

Reminds me a little of Christopher Walken in The Prophecy with the hair. Creeptastic!

Kinda rockin’ the Christopher Walken Prophecy look there...

It’s “biased”. Why the fuck can't you rednecks ever properly use this word?

Counterpoint: Sasha Kaun is a champion

Sasha Kaun?

I agree. This is getting ridiculous. I find all this scary and confusing, it’s easier to pretend it isn’t happening.

Only if “this time of year” is the Friday after never.

This is good, but the author needs to get the formula of the Trump tweet a little better.

Season 6 continues to be the “let’s try to apologize for Season 5" season.