Nixon's Back!

You probably shouldn’t have your ID ready before the officer asks for it since that would involve you squirming/reaching around inside the car before the officer can see what you are doing.

That answer did make me laugh but I think the right answer for questions about future plot points/reveals is “no comment.”

Isn’t that after he tipped the ball?

Don’t forget that you need to flip around halfway and slow down at 1 G in order to arrive at your destination.

That would be pretty good. Since the Royals won and 85 and Marty sees they won in 15, he’d have to think they’d been running the table for 30 years.

Ah, ok. I read into your first comment that maybe it somehow directly changed something about Cloud Atlas, like a crossover event or something. That’s what I get for assuming.

What’s wrong with The Thousand Autumns of Jacob deZoet? I really enjoyed Cloud Atlas, book and movie, and I would hate for anything to spoil it.

Max running out of power was laughably bad. How long were they just hanging out at the house immediately before? He would have been low on power at that point and would have taken the chance to charge. And why wasn’t he more charged up before they went to the house? Poor planning on his part.

I like all the Song of Ice and Fire books but I think GRRM may have nuked its possible ‘classic’ status with the last two books. Unless he really pulls out something impressive to wrap everything up, I have a feeling everyone will tell people that the first few books were good but don’t bother because it doesn’t go

Thanks. Now I have the mental image of the Shrike sitting on the iron throne in a white tile bathroom, humming to himself and flipping through a magazine.

I starting reading the Culture series recently and I burned through Consider Phlebas, The Player of Games, Use of Weapons, “A Gift from the Culture,” “The State of the Art,” and Excession in about a month total.

I first read American Gods in the early 2000s and without consciously thinking about it, Wednesday was played by Anthony Hopkins. Chances are slim he would play the role now after Thor but one can dream.

Molly Parker as Diziet Sma.

They could have, and easily did pass net neutrality, ending the 'fast lanes' years ago. My company was for that.

While in Kansas, the Arkansas River is pronounced as it is spelled: Ar-Kansas. Same goes for Arkansas City, KS, although everyone just calls it Ark City.

Personally, I think the best way to answer this question isn't with hypotheticals about planets colliding or trying to explain the math and gravitational interactions, but just tell people we would be able to see it. We've sent satellites to the far side of the Sun. We have practical, real-life experience that there

And that is not mentioning that while Cap keeps the moral high ground the whole time, lots of other 'good guys' (like Fury) are fine with giant flying murder drones so long as they were going to murder the right people.

About halfway through Magician's Land after starting and finishing the Magicians in two days last week.