Quite honestly, there’s Charlie Work, and then there’s everything else.
Quite honestly, there’s Charlie Work, and then there’s everything else.
only one player was targeted by officials last night, and that was Josh Jackson. (T for saying “call the foul”, which is said roughly 25 times a game)
This reminds me of everyone constantly correcting each others’ pronunciation of Nevada on VEEP this past season.
I think Kaine’s aggression was strategic. A few people on Twitter pointed out last night that he sacrificed his own likability in order to carry out the Clinton campaign’s objective: remind viewers of what a tremendous dick Trump is. That’s why he kept quoting Trump’s hateful remarks toward women, minorities, and…
Curt hasn’t been this invested in a trainwreck since 38 Studios.
Not being a jerk, just genuinely curious since I don’t know much about the law, but since the suit was dismissed with prejudice, and (at least Burke claims) it can’t be re-filed legally, how was it still a liability?
I really think part of the problem is that conservatives don’t see the difference between protest and a tantrum.
This guys is throwing a tantrum. And he thinks it’s protest. Which, I think, explains why he doesn’t take protest seriously. In his mind what Marshall is doing is the same thing. His impulse to “protest” is…
Because when you want hard-hitting perspective about how the world really works, you go to a 24 year old blond who's putting together an audition reel for a sweet FoxNews gig.
All closing the foundation would do is prove to the right wing that they were right and it was corrupt. Meanwhile, a shit load of people would suffer and lots of good programs would stop.
But many of these people were people she would have met with already, money or no money. The list of 85 people includes multiple Nobel Peace Prize winners, Ben Affleck and George Clooney (who unfortunately get lots of access in Washington for their activist activities already), etc.
Nobody gives a shit about your bunk-ass oatmeal mush and your faux-foodspin writing voice. If you want savory oatmeal, learn how to cook risotto like a “grown-ass person.”
inflation is essentially interest at the prime rate. and vice versa.
There’s a difference between the target and the topic of a joke. If you learn that difference, you might enjoy more things. And maybe you’ll be less annoying in general.
Broken Age was a good game. Who really gives a shit that it was delayed? Other than all the mega-whiners who keep listing it as an example of a bad KS game?
I’m not one hundred percent sure that Broken Age should be on the ‘fail’ list.
I’ve mentioned it before but John Cornish faced the same dilemma at KU. He wanted to take physics but Mangino wouldn’t let him.
It’s “biased”. Quit living down to the illiterate Trumpaloompa stereotype.