Nixon's Back!

He sort of fell into the Anthony Hopkins archetype in my head.

I’m not the person you’re responding to, so don’t at all think I’m saying your reading of the comic is wrong.

The Koch brothers, like ‘em or not, aren’t especially secretive about what they do. They have money and an agenda and are using the former to pursue the latter very publicly in a legal, if sometimes unpopular, way.

I must be completely out of the loop because this is the first I’ve heard of Lil’ Bub

“More likely than not” is enough to rule against someone in any civil suit. It’s legalese, not just “well, gosh, I guess they did it...”

As of now, 8% of the self-driving cars on the road in California have been in collisions, and the error was not human...

So.. 4 accidents in self driving cars operating in California, 3 from one program, 1 from another unrelated program. 2 occurred while self driving, 2 while human driving. And, buried in a single line in the source article, Google says the cars and human drivers involved weren’t at fault in any of the three sub 10mph

Article is a bit misleading. Almost implies all 4 are because of the computer system. However, 2 of them were because of HUMAN ERROR. The original article says. “Two accidents happened while the cars were in control; in the other two, the person who still must be behind the wheel was driving”

You simply cannot count the 2 where the people were driving. That’s 2 out of 50, and we have no idea how many miles they have covered.

it is common knowledge in the legal industry that reports like this generally are written for the benefit of the purchaser.

Ok, there´s this Galileo thing, but that´s the exception;

Controversial choice, but:

The length of the string is 20 cm. Quo Est Demonstatum

Actually pencils fell out of use due to their flammability and the fact that you don't want tiny bits of graphite floating around in your space capsule.

I love Mal and all but GoT is better.

I had the same feeling. I voted based on the movies (and for Dune I considered both the original and the Sci-Fi ones), and not the books/extended universe. I had to give it to Star Wars pretty much hands down. If this was based on the extended universe or the books, that's a much harder decision.

I went Dune, but I see I'm in the minority on that one. Love them both, but Dune evokes more thought, which for me is the primary purpose of speculative fiction.

If I am reading the WIKI correctly, the "Cult of Reason" was brought down by external political pressure, and unsubstantiated accusations of debauchery. So it did not tear itself apart from within, or kill any non-non-believers(?). So I don't know if we are lucky "it didn't stick around" at all.