Nixon's Back!

Show Shae is certainly a deeper character, but I'd argue the show mishandled that depth. In the books you're kept guessing whether her affection for Tyrion is genuine or if she's just doing her duty for the cash. When she finally betrays him, this betrayal is shocking but not surprising. In the show, her affection is

No, this is stupid. Excluding people of a certain race/gender as an attempt to gain a wider perspective and read different experiences is not racism. If people were to exclude them because they felt that books written by white men are inherently inferior, you might have a point, but nobody is doing that so it's

Notice how that guy actually made objective musical arguments whereas your only recourse was insult. Are you even musically educated?

Not a Thicke fan, but his song sounds NOTHING like Gayes'. It shares only three basic SECONDARY concepts: falsetto vocals, a bouncy bass line, and a similar tempo. These (concepts) are not things you can copyright. The most important tangible element, the MELODY, is not even vaguely similar. Even the chord

Well you people have had years to run fiber to my apartment in Manhattan which is FEET away from an internet backbone (the building google bought to be exact).

Really, this has very very little to do with it. It's an explanation for a small % of the US population, but not for the bulk of the population. The US population density is low, but that's mainly because there are huge areas of the US with almost nobody in them. 95% of the population is in counties that only make

I agree with the sentiment here. The proof that competition fixes this problem is in areas where Google Fiber has started to offer service. All of the sudden the incumbent providers are installing Fiber and offering competing services and a reasonable price.

Now playing

That Coke machine was just lazy, doing the bare minimum.

Why do people like Akira? I saw it recently and the story was a mess. It was like one random event after another.

Banking regulation was good, until it was removed, and we ended up with the financial collapse of 2008.

While I agree with you about a many simply dismissing this book and Lewis in general as "Christian Propaganda", your points about the Religion of Science are more than a little disingenuous, and represent a stock answer from religious folk of our day as a way to bolster religion's claims, and to damage the position

Now playing

"Self said there's going to be a situation where a fan and player get in a fight. There is?"

But enough about American Sniper...

I see that in a discussion about Kickstarter failures we have left out the elephant in the room, so to speak. A certain elephant called Frequency...of the Feminist variety, if you understand my meaning. While I shall not name names, I think we all know of whom this dark Spectre of Unethicalness is.

Gah! "Irregardless" (I'm sure that is what you meant) is NOT a word.

If somebody wants to make a lot of money, and has the smarts and drive necessary to become a doctor, there are many, many, fields available to them that are both more lucrative and less difficult.

Hyperion, I fear, is just too complex to pull in the audience that would justify a budget higher than Game of Thrones (which already has the highest budget of any TV series). Given that every pilgrim tells a very specific story, the number of (otherworldly) locations to cover just the first book properly is dazzling

Hyperion needs to be an HBO Mini-series. You cannot in good conscience try to squeeze even just the first book, let alone the two books, into a 2-hour movie. That would be a crime against all that is good and holy.

No good word for the Ventures? Rusty Venture lives in the shadow of his overachiever father (as well as PTSD from various childhood adventures). He is also now eclipsed by his twin brother Jonas Jr. Absent father to two socially-stunted sons- who were actually a batch of clones, since he kept losing them to various

THE SKYWALKERS (Star Wars). Do I really have to spell it out — little Annie, the petulant virgin afterbirth, is such a shitty son, husband and an even worse father we should be thankful Luke and Leia didn't get their Lannister on and take this family bucket of therapy-resistant dysfunction to a whole new level of