Nixon's Back!

Always thought this was trill.

Standing between them, a distressed-looking Willem Dafoe pulls at his crown of thorns.

Obviously I haven't seen the evidence for #3, but it strikes me as quite wrong[1] based on my own self-selected sample of one. 100% of my sample reports that condoms significantly decrease sensitivity, which has the negative effect of delaying or preventing orgasm but also the positive effect of prolonging the

And what, pray tell, could he have been doing during this 2 hour (at max) photoshoot that would have impacted his team? This idea that "URGRGRGR if your not living the sport 24/7 your a joke!" bullshit has got to stop.

Gizmodo posted this yesterday, so I figured I'd help avoid the "I hate video post" comments. If any of these sound interesting, watch the video. Note that these are described as "debunked myths," but the items in the list are the truth, not the myth.

I'm Oscar!

Yeah. Ol Albus is a pretty horrifying mentor/leader/father figure. I don't hang Tom on him, cause Tom was a sociopath long before Albus got to the orphanage. Snape seems to be well & truly fucked before he got there too, but Albus was more interested in *using* that damage than repairing it. And Harry.... Jesus.


Dumbledore: Tom Riddle is a weird child. Well I'll keep sending him back to this muggle hell hole every school break. WTF he's evil?

SO many HP characters. Draco Malfoy, Percy Weasley, Barty Crouch Jr...

This dipshit....

Since I know there's some Silmarillion fans around here, I'm going to go with the Sons of Feanor.

We really need a universal internet emoticon for "backing away slowly."

Nice equivocal quibble. So, let's replace 'cannot' with 'should not'.


Yes, no way the small business owner could ever survive on $350k a year, or would want to, right? Utter bullshit.

I want to know why we didnt get to hear Jamie confess about Tysha not actually being a prostitute. It makes Tyrions actions so much more understandable. Not only does it make Tywin even more of a douche (having his guards gang rape a 14 year old girl that was just a crofters daughter and not actually a prostitute),

I was kinda curious why Tywin/Jaime didn't go into Tyrion actually having been legitimately married before. Partly because the bigamy thing means his marriage to Sansa might be void. And also because I wanted an excuse to make an entire season of "Where do whores go" gifs.