
Dominion war was in DS9, not TNG. And nothing with that sort of depthy has been explored in the new Picard series. 

The best TNG episodes didn’t involve phasers, or fighting, or action. They involved deep moral questions about life, the universe, and everything. The episodes I remember best questions whether Data was a living, sentient being, exposed the limits of torture as a useful interrogation tool, explored the politics of

I will be seriously disappointed if there’s not a season 4.

The Orville vs Strange New Worlds for who does Star Trek best in 2022?

Here to say The Orville is fantastic.

...but that is EXACTLY what the creators/writers/directors are saying?

the new antagonist is Vecna, a powerful godlike Lich from Dungeons & Dragons

Orville took a minute to get its bearings and get past being Family Guy in Space, evolving into a very enjoyable love note to TOS. None of this is to diss Orville, I’m very much looking forward to the new season. But I think SNW may overtake it, we’ll see...

“But there’s also something supremely satisfying about sitting down to watch an hour of TV and getting an entire story—beginning, middle, and end—told during the course of it.”

I’d say it’s the second best current Trek show behind The Orville.

Ironic, considering everything else Star Trek has been doing for past 13 years has been an attempt to appeal to Non-Star Trek fans.

I feel like this is what Star Trek fans had been hoping for since Disco brought it back *checks notes* 5 years ago - a modern version of episodic Trek in live action. It felt good, and it was nice they focused on a legacy character for this episode to help us understand the differences between TOS/TMP Uhura and SNW

It’s an ironic title because none of the new “Star Trek” shows have been made for “Star Trek” fans. They’re works made by Star Wars fans who say they’re Star Trek fans making what they think Star Trek fans want.

I strongly suspect there was a huge shake up in the plot of season 2 just before it started filming. There was a lot of talk that season 2 was going to revolve around the abandoned Borg cube and the Romulans, not one mention.

An even bigger moral obligation: protecting the timeline. That overrides the other stuff

Red Letter Media used to be funny. Now they flanderized themselves

Worst news was that Raffi would be back, ugh.  The 2nd most annoying character on any of the shows I watch, behind Kwan on Halo.

STD and STP have been a major let down.

So Cool.

“desire” is a pretty big stretch. And also, they did, and do take from creators themselves, youtube or otherwise.