
39. Never heard of it.

Yeah, but do you think they’re voluntarily as stupid as they are?

It is kinda crazy how good they are, just for a joke. Them and Tenacious D.

But.... it’s Thursday.


“Our free will is being taken away from us,” McGowan said.

If it simply wasn’t on app stores in certain regions, that would do it. It would slowly go away as people changed/upgraded phones. The vast majority of people aren’t going to set up a vpn to spoof location.

Or, use YouTube. Insta. Twitter...

Actually, they can’t. The non-chinese tiktok pushes brain-rot onto children’s devices. Chinese tiktok is limited to educational videos for children. Almost like it is a delibrate attempt to weaken the West.

But what’s normal? Does the movie have any appeal to anyone on the outside of the dnd community?

There was no announcement or discussion before hand that they’d be doing anything with the OGL. They released the contracts to be signed. The contacts were under NDA. The only reason we know about any of this is because someone broke the law and leaked it.

Re: point 3.

The complaint isn’t really about time travel logical consistency. It is about character logical consistency and competence.

It kind of doesn’t matter how time travel was presented in the past. What matters is they SAID not interfere too much because it will screw up the timeline.

What’s really crazy is that his “redemption” showed no growth, which means it can’t be considered a redemption at all.

And if next season they decide to have a character named Frodo and he’s a 12 foot tall purple skinned alien with 3 heads and giz writers say that it’s Frodo, the ring bearer from Lord of the Rings, who are we to complain, right?

It is literally the exact same thing as Thanos. His world was destroyed and it drives him mad — he’s literally called The Mad Titan — and he attempts to devastate the universe because of it.

I’m guessing the reason they reused her and Laris and set it in present day is the budget got slashed big time.

Nah. The moral failing would be f-ing with the timeline.

You know that nu-Trek is truly quality entertainment when the best it’s fans can come up with is ad hominem slander.