
I think the media landscape has grown so much now that there aren’t really universal” touchstones like there maybe used to be. Whatever this generation’s Animal House is, plenty of people won’t bother with it and won’t feel like they’re missing out.

Right? Because making fun of people for not getting laid is definitely not bullying and awful. Love how todays nerds are just yesterdays jock douchebags.

I feel like Kotaku has just become a platform for agitated annoying writers to rant about shit that makes their feeble blood boil on a day to day basis.

“people in this state keep to themselves and im snowed in and away from human interaction for months and that left me depressed and shut in my house, but i dont wanna move”

So......produce the videos traditionally, transmit them to a computer located in another state (or even better, another country....I mean, Canada is right there) and use that other computer to interact with TikTok. #Loopholes

God damn i forgot how good the beat is here. Another joke song that is also a banger

Personally I’d be happy if prostitution was legalized and regulated country wide.

You laugh now, but you share a species with these people. You have more in common with them than you do a worm, quietly keeping to itself, aerating and fertilizing the dirt around it, making the world a better place for the organisms surrounding it.

To be fair, those are not really words but just noises, which is about as much reaction as the incel community deserves. 

I can’t possibly understand why they repel women.

Kotaku has reached a new low today.

Incels are involuntarily celibate. If you turn it into a lifestyle and you choose to be it as like a point of pride, you’re not incel, you’re volcel with just a bunch more steps.

Hopefully he wins some money.  I like people getting gobs of money from multinational companies.  Especially Amazon.

Good! More unions are desperately needed in the US, and the more companies and locations that unionize, the better.

That's both awesome and hilarious. Awesome because PF2 is a great system, and hilarious because, once again, Paizo's biggest ally is Wizards of the Coast's greed and bad decisions. 

Riiiight, if Trump hadn’t been voted in Garland would’ve been confirmed and abortion rights would’ve been preserved.

If Hilary Clinton had won your life in its major contours would be fundamentally no different than it is right now. Clinton was favoured by Wall Street as well as the state surveillance apparatus which was expanded, rather than diminished, by Obama. She was in favour of increased involvement in Middle Eastern hotzones

The problem is that capitalism is destroying the country and draining us of our innovation and creativity, and the common response is, “Well, if you’re so pissed off about it, just figure out how to get value tokens from the people destroying the country and killing innovation and creativity.”

This month America showed it can move past the dogmatic fervor of an angertainment movement. I hope one day that will one day be true in this case.

Maybe it’s greedy, but it’s definitely the future and not dumb. The way Google did it is dumb, because they don’t have any first party library--Stadia makes no sense compared to Xbox X Cloud for example. But once latency is resolved (and it will be for many in the next decade) it becomes a very viable way to play