
In that post he says that if an author takes 2 or 3 years to recharge their batteries or work on other things it’s their prerogative. And that just because you bought a book in a series that doesn’t mean that you signed a connect to get more books, that there’s no promise from the author to write more for you. Fair

Do you really think that burning resources to accomplish a goal and burning resources for absolutely no reason at all is a case of the pot calling the kettle black?

There’s more millennials than people in gen X (70 million vs 50 million). All millennials are adults now (they are between 24 and 39 years old).

Is it the same shape as the mx master 1? I had the mx revolution (the first one with the free wheel toggle) and themx master.

YouYou can out while plugged in though. Battery gets low, plug itin while still working. Battery stops holding a charge, leave it plugged in.

Mainly because there is literally nothing in his post besides hostility?

It’s funny how you say his wanting it both ways puts him as a DC outsider.

Except that the freedom dividend is LITERALLY having “more of the profit being shared with the employees.”

Nah. The good die young.

“No offense mate but if dragons were your only motivation to watch GOT I don’t think you really get the show.”

Weiss and Benioff night actually be BETTER writers than GRRM. GRRM wrote them all into a corner. Weiss and Benioff came up with an ending. Nota perfect one by any means, but they produced SOMETHING.

To be fair to Weiss and Benioff, there’s a reason GRRM hasn’t finished the books.

Yeah. In that section you quoted “expanding” should be replaced with “accelerating”. Or more properly:

“if the amount of dark energy in the universe in a given area of space is constant, then the amount of dark energy in the total universe would increase with the expansion of space, right?”

It’s hard to accept the idea that right after they completely revamped all their tech to eliminate the ai threat they installed M5.

They had a plan to capture Tkuvma. This plan would have stopped the war before it started.

What I don’t get is how you swallow that much kool aid with blizzards cock in your mouth. Impressive, however you do it.

Uh, yeah, you do.

Are right wingers actually this dumb? Like can people really not tell the difference between “doing something” and “joking about something”?

Uhhh, the denial was written 5 months ago. It says it right there in the article like ALL of those Facebook widget style boxes do.