
Uhhh, the denial was written 5 months ago. It says it right there in the article like ALL of those Facebook widget style boxes do.

Yeah, sure, 100%. And it’s “funny” dress up isn’t really all that funny. Or clever.

Only if you have no clue what a Mary Sue is.

“For this dataset, there just aren’t enough people surviving past age 110 to generate reliable death rates. Why? Because there’s a limit to duration of life. How obvious is that?

Exactly, everyone knows boycotts are a stupid waste of time and they never accomplish anything.

Wow. That was a lot of text. You could have saved yourself some time and simply written “I’m an ignorant buffoon.”

Well, it would be rather silly to do a massive manifesto of a critique for a movie WITHOUT discussing one of its biggest flaws.

In the one hand, yeah, that’s fucking nuts. Sure you could do a video series twice as long cause the movie was really bad, but no one same would go through the effort.

Let’s not forget that Luke would have spent a lot of time after ROTJ still fighting the war, cleaning up imperial forces. It makes perfect sense that someone like that would be far more cynical and jaded 30 years later. Even to the extent that the events shown in TLJ could break him.

It is interesting to compare the prequels with TLJ, as they are such polar opposites.

How is cluttering up your start bar with programs by pinning some things you want quick access to, better than simply putting anything you want within quick access?

Yeah instead of putting folders and subfolders in a folder called “Desktop” that displays it’s contents on the desktop, people should instead store things in a folder called “Documents” that does nothing special.

You are half right. The vast majority of DC’s problem is that Marvel came first and that that is very hard to beat.

I think we can all agree that the series isn’t like “traditional” trek at all. “Traditional” being a group of upstanding, talented, professionals trying to better themselves and the universe around them. Viewed through that lens, I think everyone will agree it had more downs than ups.

Yeah, good point. All teachers should just be principals instead.

Maybe you should re-read that post. Or, if you’re too stupid to understand how analogies, maybe get off the internet and stop having opinions about things. Yeah, that’d be great.

The argument that the people who argue for more taxes are no information voters doesn’t shortchange the people who DO know what they are talking about.

Hey, if you are going to post links, it’d would help if you read them instead of just looking at the pictures. That way, you end up looking like less of a brain dead moron.

Who’sWho’s got two thumbs and is a perfect example of the morons being discussed? Lol.

Maybe you get flamed because you say absolutely ridiculous things like “android doesn’t have this feature at all”.