
No no. It’s your fault. No one forces you to read star wars articles. No one forces you to scroll to the comment section. No one forces you to respond to the comments you read.

That argument is great until you realize the world isn’t black and white and that there is room for context, compromise, and middle ground.

I’ll make it real simple for you, libertarianism had obviously rooted away yor brain.

If “regular” people don’t want to clean a stranger’s toilet, what makes you think “maids” do?

They villain. Not bumbling, traitorous, oaf.

No no. It did get better. Then it got way worse.

I’m with you for most of this. Especially the part about the GOPers lacking basic thinking skills and having a needlessly zero sum mindset.

The person you are responding to is suggesting that we ALREADY live in a 365 day a year purge.

Thirnd? 3nd? Huh? J/k

NoNo. They were legally acquired. By stealing them on purge night.

Lost was a mystery. By the end, it doesn’t answer any of the mysteries.

How would you have preferred quantum leap to end? Either her gets home, doesn’t or dies.

Lost reminds me of a murder mystery novel. One of the ones that are very elaborate, victim found dead in a locked room with no signs of entry, the investigation points at a conspiracy that goes to the highest levels of government and the Vatican

Close, but not quite.

Wait. You expect better writing from movies than books?

Just to nitpick: You can’t use “arguably” and “by a large margin” at the same time.

In experience (software dev) that happens because the new guy is brought in to fix things and actually had the authority to make changes.

“ will also say though, that I have to agree with some of the women commenters I’m seeing here. They see that as way too headstrong, too “in your face”, and too eager to get past the usual scrutiny and vetting process that many women engage in.”

“It just seems that for some people, they live for the thrill of the chase. And so when things are truncated in the style you’re explaining, they don’t like that.”