
Would you rather be stabbed in the face by an enemy or stabbed in the back by someone you trusted?

Otoh, anyone who voted in favor of the war in Iraq should be absolutely irredeemable to anyone ostensibly left.

“Laura Dern withholding information seems less egregious than i had originally thought as she gives that speech about hope and then Po goes nuts and gives her attitude. The plot would have ended up the same had he told her or not.”

“Spanking has been a part of the human experience for eons. I would argue that those generations were no worse than the current one. “

“They are small, green and pointy-toothed.”

Except her plan failed spectacularly. Mainly because she lied about even having a plan and told everyone that she was going to do nothing țill they were all dead.

You’ve got like 10, maybe 15, seconds before you die in space. How much later do you think it took them?

How much of that is from the diet though? Weight Watchers has meetings and stuff. Even if the diet aspect of Weight Watchers was slightly worse than going keto, you’d expect better results from weight watchers because of all their ancillary parts.

Cats eat whatever rodent or bird they can catch. Ditto for dogs, except they also have the benefit of having been domesticated for longer. Which means they’ve had a longer time to adapt to only eating whatever scraps we give them.

But if it had been a guy, it’d have been sexual assault from a predator. #metoo

That’s not healthy.

“I mean, where did Yoda or Mace Windu or any of those folk get their talents?” From a lifetime of dedicated and rigorous training.

“It’s like Rian wanted to make a GotG film without understanding either GotG, Star Wars, basic storytelling, or the concept of world building.”

Like because they killed him off without any of the hallmark features of fridging? Or because you have no idea what’s going on and need everything simplified into easily digestible tropes for you to be able to wrap your head around it?

First off, that was during a time where Klingons were just humans with Fu Manchu moustaches.

God damn, you SJW types are dumb as bricks.

Exactly. Because he clearly believed Stammets was an enemy, but the Klingon sleeper agent was just a victim.

Because in that scene you could tell he was beyond stressed / half losing his mind. And the doctor knew it and even asked him about it.

To be fair, it made a shit ton more logical sense than the “let’s open the force field and let out the giant murder beast that we’ve captured and is immune to shooting and shoot it” plan that got their last security chief killed.

1. A modern show where no character is safe and unkillable.