
Car-b-ur-etor?? What is this magic you speak of?

Your turn:

Sure. Someone who can’t pick between three simple choices. AKA: You.

Yes, I agree, you are quite stupid.

Yes, I agree, you are stupid.

Your turn:

Your turn:

Your turn:

Hey, stoopid lrn 2 reed:

Huh. Apparently picking 1, 2, or, 3 was too hard for you. So pathetic. Here I’ll give you an example.

I’ll use numbers to simplify because it is apparently too complicated for you:

Which is called a ‘defense of the show’. Do try to not be this stupid.

Wait. You had to watch it three times to slowly piece together what myself and everyone else simply understood at first glance. And you are still going to try and claim a superiority?

If it is such a bad analogy, then it should hurt your position to answer it.

If it is such a bad analogy, then it should hurt your position to answer it.

That being said, I think it is a nearly-universal truth that we SHould all save more for retirement.

How is this company valued more than Ford or GM again?

Ahh. Now I see why you are so wrong.

Answer the question:

Nor can your unrivaled stupidity be denied.