
And if there’s anyone out there who still thinks this is a comedy, maybe this episode will make you think twice.

Exactly none of my comments have ‘defended’ Discovery.

My argument, if you can read that far back, is that GM and Ford shouldn’t be worth less than Tesla, especially since they actually make a profit.

So it took you three times to eventually put it together? Have a cookie!

Yup. If there’s one thing that says “serious show without comedy” it is glory holes, spilt soy sauce in damage reports, Barry Manilo, and bedtime stories from a robot.

They CLEARLY AND OBVIOUSLY show her trying, and failing, to escape through the front door.

On the other hand, I, as the customer, don’t give a shit about what kind of shitty policies your work has. I’m not changing what I’m going to do because you have a shitty job.

Also - For the love of god, tip based on the normal price, not the happy hour discount. Just something to know that many people don’t, not necessarily about the job, but still.

Yes and no.

That’s because you didn’t ask any questions or make any arguments. You said a bunch of stupid shit and I called you stoooopid.

Class over Shane or shall you continue to embarrass yourself with your continued lapse in logic and reasoning?

Of course not everyone needs a minivan. I don’t even have one myself.

Yeah, but there is a HUGE fucking difference between your opinion “minivans as a ‘nice to have’” and “minivans symbolize the death of fun”.

We get it. Some people believe their life priorities are: Other people’s opinion of me > Pretty things > functional things that make my life easier.

Wow you are very, very dumb.

Jesus Christ on a pogo stick.

I think you mean they aren’t doing it, not that they can’t. Your telling me Ford or GM can’t do what Tesla is doing at an Ex-GM/Toyota factory in California?

My first thought was that he’s cheating. But if he’s having an affair and using the toys with the other woman, wouldn’t he be more careful about hiding it after?

‘As long as they’re not copying her race, and their costume is specifically in the context of “Moana the individual” and not “generic Polynesian trope”’

So you wouldn’t call them smart, you’d just use a synonym out the word smart. Oookay.