
... great come back... you really pulled out a lot of data and proved me wrong... really made a compelling case there...

And yet, I’d still be a better person than you. Sad.

No, what you said was that Hillary’s moderate and centrist stance wasn’t enough to combat that crazy ass racism and xenophobia that has been running wild.

Because they are more worried about having a job than they are about making 79 cents instead of $1 or getting vacation when the have a baby.

That’s.... actually better than most.


It is supposed to make the city look bad. Like we’re a bunch of dumbass amateurs that can’t even dress in a uniform.

No. You are a republican because you’ve decided to reject reality and invent your own when you happen to not like what is going on in the real world.

That’s a very pretty strawman you’ve built up there. Congrats on that.

Of course he isn’t going to give it to them. I never said they were bright. Just that they were hurting and desperate. Republican policy is disastrous for everyone who isn’t in the 1%. Trump’s will be as well.

I have zero problems teaching children that you don’t have to agree with someone in order to work with them. That if you act like a belligerent asshole just because someone disagrees with you, or if you think someone is closed minded, that YOU are the bigot. That you can both be bigots at the same time.

Wait. Snowden is an idiot because he can’t dumb things down until they are simple enough for you to be able to understand? That’s not how it works. That’s not how any of this works.

Actually, you are right. Fuck bigots. They are not good people. They are fucking assholes. Instead of wanting to learn about other people of different colors or beliefs, empathize with them, teach them, learn from them and make them into better people, bigots just rage and go on about how much better and more

Just one? That’s tough. There’s just so many to pick from though.

Middle America is just as well off, if not better than it has been in the past 30 years? So we’re creating our own realities now because we don’t like the real one?

I was talking about Bernie.

I’m just thankful that we didn’t nominate an old white guy who was actually popular instead of widely hated and stood a chance in hell of beating Trump.

They, like everyone else, cares about themselves when they are hurting and desperate. And they are. They are hurting and desperate.