
Because the people you are talking about aren’t ‘smack dab in the middle class’. They are in the ‘struggling to keep their house while knowing that their kids will never afford one’ middle class.

Why would it be?

So you don’t want to hear facts because you don’t like them?

Which is why there’s a simple rule of thumb. If anyone is ever in a situation where from each perspective the other guy is an ass, if they aren’t hurting you, you’re the ass.

25 foot extension to his house?

I own a house. I understand. It isn’t even something difficult to figure out.

Good god no. People say it looks like Halo because it looks like Halo. 

I’m wondering how similar the scale is in that one compared to the engines on the actual rockets we use. Cause damn. That thing is huge compared to the guy.

That’s a hell of a lot worse than my friend who just lost them on a drunken bender.

...Moving to Canada

Personally, I’m keeping it together by going around various comment sections and saying “I told you so” to all of Hillary’s supporters because Bernie would have won.

Wow. This is going to be really embarrassing for you, but the election was two days ago. She lost.

I think the big take away from 2016 is that Democrats are just as hostile to science, data, and math as the Republicans are. They both just ignore it for different (and fewer) topics.

I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention, but 538 was giving 2-1 odds. And saying that Clinton’s lead was basically within the margin of error. Which is about the same as it had been throughout the entire primary season and general race.

Wow. This is going to be really embarrassing for you, but the election was two days ago. She lost.

I don’t know. Am I being serious?

Yeah I was going to get into how not only did the guy get the names and years wrong, all his facts were wrong, but I got lazy.

Didn’t try nearly hard enough.

Actually, they didn’t. Black turnout was very low, MORE blacks voted for Trump than they voted for Romney, and a third of latinos voted for Trump.