
Oddly enough, it is you inability to deal with the truth that created this situation to begin with.

Hillary didn’t do well with blacks either. No one would have siphoned the racists away from Trump. But Trump didn’t win because of the racists.

You mean all the ones that would have gone Red no matter what and don’t matter? Geez, thanks for that.

He WAS painted as a communist Jew. He was still polling ahead of everyone else. You are currently painting him as a communist Jew and he’s STILL the most popular politician in the country.

Yes? 538 at least. They were giving 2-1 odds. And saying that Clinton’s lead was basically within the margin of error. Which is about the same as it had been throughout the entire primary season and general race.

It amazes me how many people are repeating this idiocy. The only people who care about any of those things are the people who have voted ‘R’ their whole lives and will never do anything different. They don’t matter when it come to picking a president.

So. Was the Clinton camp confident enough throughout the whole primary that they simply sat on negative info (hint: No they weren’t), or, were they so incompetent that they couldn’t find it but TRUMP would have?

What we do know is that we have no idea what negative campaigning would have come out against Bernie because he never saw any.

Then explain all the polls that showed the exact opposite. Oh, that’s right, you can’t because you’re wrong.

Stop being stupid. She lost. Of the two, she was clearly the worse candidate. That’s what losing is. If she weren’t the worse candidate, she would have won.

Considering all the polls that were showing that they would, yeah, they would.

It’s common for people to point to polls showing Sanders beating Trump. But the polls also showed Clinton beating Trump and they were all wrong.

I’m sorry, but, while Trump is an absolute disaster, you can’t sit there and tell people that your were voting for Hillary Clinton because you believe strongly in fairness, justice, freedom, equality. That’s absurd cognitive dissonance.

This is one of the reasons Trump was the better choice this time around. Picking Clinton just means that we would have had to deal with an even worse Trump in a couple of years. An even worse Trump who has access to the NSA that would be bigger and badder after 4-8 years of a Clinton presidency.

“Democrats” who supported being pissed at someone for following the data and doing math?

A couple of weeks ago, I was in the dog park. You know, a public space provided by and maintained by, the city.

OTOH, what you’ve just said is absolutely moronic and ignores as much about the reality of human nature and racism as the republicans do when they disbelieve global warming.

The racists were NEVER going to vote for a democrat. They were always going to vote [R]. It is literally a non issue.

Which should obviously lead one to the conclusion that race wasn’t the determining factor here.

Black people aren’t blameless here, either. They shot themselves in the foot, unfortunately.