
Actually, this is more black people’s fault.

No. Fuck you.

I think they just don’t care as much as they care about how hard it is to make a living. Not that I believe Trump will change that, but they believe he will.

Good God, THANK YOU.

Blame the Trump voters and the economic disparity that led them to be susceptible to a charlatan.

The people you should be mad at are the ones who saw a dictator buffoon then picked the only person worse to go up against him, even though the polls showed them that it was a really dumb choice.

Ross Perot acted as a spoiler and during the 1992 election and helped Clinton win. Ralph Nader was the one who made Gore lose.

Ok. I’ll offer up that defence.

But fuck the people who picked Clinton over Sanders the most.

I’m just thankful that the democratic establishment picked the safe candidate who was sure to beat Trump. Bernie might’ve lost.

Just think, once the winner is sworn in this is the first time in your children’s lives that’ll they’ll have a white president.


I really don’t understand how the cop thing can ever possibly work.

Is the cop thing city dependant or something? It seems like the stupidest, most useless, non-feature ever.

I noe, rite? That’s why when’s there is a smog advisory, I just hold my breath. Why take in garbage just cause you feel obligated to?

Being open source probably helped android adoption.

Wait. You think “Slippery slope into Nazism” is a actually good argument rather than the absolute idiotic fallaciousness that it is? Boy-oh-boy.

Yeah, which is why I’m calling “You. Yes, you.” an idiot for bringing up eugenics when the concept clearly doesn’t apply.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Now I want to know if you can take the raw cookie dough, and sous vide it into cookies.