
Actually, that reminds me. I forgot something in my lastpost: Eugenics

You’ve completely misunderstood. He isn’t criticizing. Its an actual question.

After being called out for using nothing but dumb fallacies, you respond with an example of godwin’s law, an appeal to the masses, and an obviously false baseless assertion.

In your first post you were arguing against a blatant strawman. After being called out on it, you respond by simply claiming to be self evidently correct. While — IIRC his philosophy correctly — still arguing against a strawman.

“All State power comes from their monopoly on the legal use of force.”

“cripplingly disabled” == “ anyone that isn’t born perfect” to you?

In the first paragraph, I agreed with you and repeated the only difference that you mentioned in your post.



I would think a lot of the english/french wars or the any of the protestant/catholic conflicts would be a good example also.

I think it is more the “HA HA HA, I won the case and get the rapist free! WooHoo!” rather than the “Shit. I won and got the rapist free. Oh well. That’s the way justice works. Better to let 10 guilty go free and all that jazz...”

Unfortunately, that’s not true.

Really? You don’t think that covering it up and being secretive rather than coming clean in the first place was dumb? A quick... “Hey just got this email from @donnaB. It was an easy to make honest mistake. Accidentally mixed her new anchor and strategist roles. Just wanted to let everyone know it happened. Have to be

“The anti-Clinton machine” is, surprise, surprise, anti-Clinton. I know. You must be absolutely shocked to hear that.

I don’t believe we’ve ever talked before. If we do continue this conversation it would be best for you to learn one thing about me: Except on the extremely rare occasion, when I choose to use words or a phrase, I do so for a reason.

About halfway through the primary season, Clinton and Sanders were pretty close. It could have gone either way. At that time, she knew how much her backers has swayed the results.

Weird typo. You wrote ‘Donna, you dumb broad!!!’ surely you meant ‘Hillary, you dumb broad!!!’

Actually, knowing what we know now, I’m more sure Clinton would be able to win again....