
What’s even more ridiculous is how the Clinton campaign didn’t do the same calculus you did!

Easily the most self righteous defense of sticking your head in the sand and being an ignoramus I’ve heard all day. Go you!

Just for the record, you are far, far, far more disappointed with Clinton, right? Because Clinton is the one who chose to put herself in a position where you are supposed to act ethically and then she acted unethically, righT?

Clinton, on the other hand, can’t ever forget that she’s a constant target and must operate the cleanest campaign that’s ever been. Yet somehow didn’t operate transparently and proceeded to cover this up, gaining advantage.

Exactly. It isn’t Hillarys fault that she is surrounded by all these people who are unethical and incompetent. It’s like a family. You don’t get to pick your personal aides or your personal IT guy. They just come along then you’re stuck with them.

We are talking about the party so incompetent that they can’t convince the country that trickle down economics doesn’t work with 40 years of history of it not working.

If she hadn’t covered up her unethical behaviour, they would have changed the question!

I just don’t think we can blame her for using the information herself

Are you really that dense? Seriously?

Bingo! She didn’t need the help.


The second one. But then she said, well, now that I have the test, may as well use it to cheat.

The only thing dumber was the campaign covering it up rather than exposing it. Could have exposed it and managed the fallout. Say that she was helping as a strategist and accidentally mixed her work and personal spheres. We’ll throw out that question and then no harm, no foul.

Did you skip reading the article and went straight to the comments? Cause the article is talking about how she did election fraud.

Take a step back and think about what you are saying. The key word there was ‘base’.

Good god. This. So much this. I don’t know how people can be so partisan as to not realize this.

The only people that would matter to are already so republican they literally do not matter.

None of that has at any point been secret. Clinton and surrogates used all of that stuff during the primary.

On the 8 month polls, you have a point. Although, they haven’t changed much during the election season. There’s no really reason to think it’d be any different with Sanders.

Do you think that Clinton and everyone surrounding her is so incompetent or so secure in their primary victory that they would have passed up on all that magical oppo research?