
Actually, wouldn’t Artoo be considered the rebellion’s property? At the very least, it is property of the Royal House of Alderaan.

Probably because anyone with even a quarter of a brain knows that if you are investigating new information about a closed case, the case is no longer closed. That’s how things work. They are either Open or Closed. And it is pretty obvious that if you are looking into something, the matter is not closed.

Let me guess. You also bought Clinton’s line that the FBI wasn’t doing a criminal investigation, just a “security review”, right?

God. You feminists live in such a tiny bubble. HRC’s impeachment would have zero implications for the next woman.

To embattled soldiers on the ground, the only sound more reassuring than an A-10’s engine is the BRRRT of its massive front cannon providing you with cover fire.

^ This. ^

Be happy then! For this one, you saw what was actually there. For the dress one, you didn’t! You aren’t always limited. Apparently, sometimes you hallucinate also.

Ha, that’s funny. You spelled ‘wrong’ wrong.

The dress may be black and blue, but the picture isn’t. Look at some of the pixels in paint.

Well, you’re wrong. The white in the lightest one has a color value of #fffdfa. That’s white.

The dress was black and blue. Due to oversaturation of the crappy camera’s images sensor the picture of the dress was gold and white. Some people’s brains have over active image post-processing so their brain compensated for the crappy camera by decreasing the saturation, making them see the picture of the dress as

Well. I’d really like to see some of the literature that makes it clear that using a phone while stopped is a dangerous activity.

MDs aren’t science.

Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.

People buy a v6 Mustang, because they want to look and act like they are baddasses with a fast sportscar. Even though they aren’t. Stats don’t really enter the picture.

Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.

Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.

Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.

Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.

Mic Drop!