
That’s not the worrisome question. The question we should be concerned with is:

Guy in the red car that stopped violated rule #1.

Its funny that your self-righteous post about how well you know the law is right after the post with the guy quoting the law that proves you wrong.

not a lot of reading is necessary to find it why

Its weird, you said productive, but then described behaviour that is a complete waste of time.

The laws may be clear. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t idiotic and should be ignored.

Nope. If you have a good set of winters then FWD/4WD/AWD won’t make that big of a difference. AWD/4WD will make a difference if you are plowing through snowbanks, but you shouldn’t really have to do that on the regular. RWD on the other hand....

Because it shouldn’t. At all.

A foreign power is deliberately trying to damage the free Democratic election process of the United States.

I thought that was Grand Theft Auto?

Nintendo needs to kill the console line already and just merge it with the DS.

So then, you DID miss the part where Medieval Knievel is responding to accesscode, who said that these emails weren’t about the election? Okay. Not quite interested in dealing with people who are either too lazy or incompetent to read what they’re talking about.

Ok, I’m sure people have gone over this, but fill me in.

The excellence of being average?

There’s also been a rash of players behaving badly. I’m sure that has an effect as well.

Do you honestly think they’ll put in a $200 keyboard and it won’t affect the price?

It doesn’t do that though. Different languages have different key layouts.

So, like, what? I’m 2, maybe 3 times smarter than I think I am? I’m cool with that.

Getting free stuff out of sympathy.

Getting free stuff out of sympathy.

You have to tailor your resume to where you are applying. The hiring manager sees a masters degree at Pizza Hut and they think that you are too good for the position, will be a bad worker because you will be bored, and that you’ll jump ship as soon as something better comes along.