
Imagine the built-in drama if they’d used a bunch of humans terrorists with a philosophy antithetical to almost everything the federation stands for. That’s easily more conflict than Romulans.

Actually, if you are starting from the position that a buyout was the only way out of this mess, she did phenomenally.

Not anywhere near the same scale.

You kinda get Warren and Gates. Their foundation definitely do a lot of good. We can get into a debate about whether or not fighting malaria and building public works are equivalent, but they are both good things, for sure.

A) It reflects reality/current fashion.

Shit, we definitely weren’t designed to run around the neighborhood catching invisible monsters.

I think the point was that, at the very least, when there was massive wealth disparity back in the day, the uber-rich did something with their wealth.

Unless, of course, they were originally interrupted because their story sucked. Then people will not like you. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ :D

So, which of the two is better? GURPS or Hero?

Lol. If I’m an asshole for reusing your words, what does that make you?

I said democrats. Not corporate shills with a D in front of their name! :)

7 pages? Looks different on a web page, I guess.

Don’t like being proven wrong, eh buddy? Poor lil’ baby.

The problem with his solution isn’t the factorial, it is that he splits his distinct phrases up to much.

Where’d you get the degree? Trump U?

Ah. Well. That answers my question about whether you read it or whether you are a mindless drone, parroting what you are told to.

The odds are 1 in 87 billion. To put that into perspective, that’s about 7,000 times less likely than winning the lottery, and about 9,000 times less likely than being struck by lightning—twice, in a lifetime.

The difference of course being that when Biden plagiarized, it sunk his campaign. Because democrats have integrity.

Rutledge’s analysis takes that as a given. He assumes that they both are giving a speech on the same theme and that they are going to be using the same words rather than synonyms. The 1 in 87 billion completely ignores the fact that synonyms exist.

Or, the other possibility, some random guy on the internet doesn’t understand math, statistics, or anything that’s going on here.