
Typo in first paragraph.

Yeah, sure. She’s innocent. Like OJ, Michael Jackson, George Zimmerman, and all the cops who shoot unarmed, subdued, and surrendered black guys, and the Zodiac Killer. They didn’t get convicted, must be innocent...

Who are we? We are people with opinions. Using a program designed to let us share our opinions :)

Pretty sure it fell apart when they said: “Hey we just suffered an attack by someone who wants to destroy starfleet. Let’s put all of starfleet’s leadership into an undefended room together.”

I hate Hillary and wonder about anyone can simultaneously love her while joking about her felonies concerning national security.

Yeah. But that’s a good thing.

Going to blow your mind, paper towels are pretty far from being paper!

The Stargate movie was and is great.

Huh? Yoda using the Force to do flips and stuff is the reason why size matters not.

Meh. It is really, really, hard to come up with anything worse than what they actually did.

That’s just an urban legend/ old wive’s tale.

It just needs to be Bergevin and/or Therrien. I’m not saying anything about racism in Montreal/Quebec/Canada.

Now, I’d still heavily criticize their management and coaching, wondering how the hell they could get to a point where they’d have an irreparable relationship with their best skater.

Probably they are just mobile camera platforms. Why have 5 security guard doing the rounds when you can have 1 watching 5 screens.

Is alt+01257 réally all the difficult? ;)

Civil rights violation? Try crime against humanity!

BvS had reviews that high as well. Wait for the non-studio approved reviews before making any conclusions.

Indeed we did.

Probably if one side shot the other there would be such such an international outcry about the ridiculousness of it that the shooting nation’s claim would be weakened.

I don’t know who is more stupid, the guy who can’t google, or, the other guy who missed the point of you telling the first guy to use google...