
Yeah, I guess having your planet blown up would ruin a lot of memories.

You people may have missed it in you self-righteous circle jerk, but, you assholes are the only people saying that.

You people may have missed it in you self-righteous circle jerk, but, you assholes are the only people saying that.

You people may have missed it in you self-righteous circle jerk, but, you assholes are the only people saying that.

You people may have missed it in you self-righteous circle jerk, but, you assholes are the only people saying that.

Learn to read before you post, you illiterate moron.

So did you just not bother to read the post or was it too difficult for you to understand?

Apparently an image doesn’t count as content so I need to add some of my own.

They are trained to shoot as soon as they feel threatened in any way. Trigger happy or not, they are following procedure.

3. The victim has a police record!

If someone is saying using rice cookers is a sign of being either lazy or a bad cook, saying “easy and foolproof” isn’t exactly a rebuttal.

Doesn’t really help though. Bits and pieces break off. Stages are jettisoned. Even deorbiting most things, eventually the garbage will pile up.

Actually, it DOES demand attention. Might want to look things up before talking out your ass.

One time, I got a screw in the sidewall of my tire. They couldn’t patch it, the tires were old so I didn’t want only 1 new one, and it was still too cold to put on the summers.

It is amazing how people don’t understand this. Political Correctness shouldn’t be a game of whack-a-mole.

Good info! Thanks for letting me know about that. That’s very good and good to know.

That was my first thought as well.

It also indicates that someone has extraordinarily garish, almost gruesome, taste in art.

“And while I’m no Biblical scholar, I seem to recall Jesus having some fairly decisive words on who gets to do the judging.”

“That said, there’s a difference between an imperfect person trying to do right and whatever L is doing, which seems to be just running headlong into wrong.”