
But what if there is a good that had infinite intelligence coupled with infinite pettiness?

Reasonable advice? Positive example?

Can you hear the rumble?
Can you hear the rumble that’s calling?

Really? It sounds like you are describing some way to somehow put air in a bag. I’ve never heard of any sort if device.

One time, after I had just moved into a new apartment, my dog found and ate a package of rat poison (arsenic). She was fine.

We’ll NEVER have to worry about robots taking all our jobs! There will always be other work for humans to do!

No one rebelled against the Targaryens per se. The rebelled against the Mad King, who happened to be a Targaryen.


There is simply no way in hell Brienne would swear herself to Cersei. She won’t be in the same situation as Jamie kingslaying while being the kingsguard.

Six-and-ten for him, and three for you. Gold shall be their crowns and gold their shrouds, she said. And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you.

But Jaime only has one hand, so he can’t fulfill the prophecy.

Cersei’s single building tactical bombing is not equivalent with the Mad King’s city-killer strategic bombing.

Arya wearing Jamie’s face!

So, if I’m reading that correctly, the tl;dr here is: use Tasker?

The ENTIRE plans was based on two facts. They were vastly outnumbered and had little in the way of Calvary.

Even if r+l=j he’s still a bastard and not in line for the throne.

He did though. He really, really did.

Actually, no. She was saying that his plan will fail and that it works fail for two reasons. 1) Ramsay wouldn’t fall into Jon’s trap. 2) Ramsay will also lay a trap.

Odd. Cause the rest of us are wondering if you have one.
