
Huh? A medium sized banana is 100 calories each. 5100 calories in just bananas, no?

Number one trait of the asshole vegan, they are telling other people that they’re vegan.

On a side note, what’s the point of producing a record with today’s digital production technique? It kinda defeats the purpose of being a record.

No metal. Just foam.

Well, Power Rangers are from Japan...

How do you put the quote without this part? What is wrong with you people?

Why can’t people see that there is a difference between ‘cheap spandex’ and ‘clean, high quality armor’ and ‘let’s throw shit at a wall and see what sticks’?

Its weird. Your post makes a good case for body armor being better than spandex. Then you conclude that overcomplicated body armor is the only option.

Either this is a fairly wild tangent, or you misunderstood the post. If it is just a tangent, ignore this and carry on.

I’m always going back on forth being a jack-of-all-trades. Sometimes I want to learn something new. Sometimes I feel learning something new is procrastinating. In the time I’m learning something new, I could be mastering something else. Or doing something with skills I have mastered.

So is the “Starship captains must be bald” a new starfleet reg, or just your cup of tea?

*fingers crossed*

Seriously I couldn’t be more excited to see Star Trek return to TV make its debut on CBS’ internet streaming service.

Or pee in public.

You say this as if it has any bearing on your original point, rather than you just trying to save face after saying something really dumb.

I can’t believe more people aren’t mentioning this same thing.

Why shouldn’t it be a judgment? I mean, if that’s something someone wants to judge someone else on, so be it. If you are fat, it is because you value something else in your life more than you value being thin. Personally, it is McDonald’s and soft drinks. I value their taste and convenience more than I do being thin.

Dieting, as in calorie restriction, is bad for you, period.

You’ve got to give mindless bigotry one thing. It sure helps expand the vocabulary. Miscegenation? It is exceedingly rare that I have to look up a word’s definition. I had no fucking clue what miscegenation was.

Am I the only one who thinks it is kind of shitty for them to let it slide for so long, practically legitimising it to some degree, then go back and retroactively drop the ban hammer?