
.... he’s going up.

Everywhere that gets cold?

I’ve switched dentist offices more times than I can count, just looking for one that sympathizes with this pain, rather than simply seeing me as a “difficult” patient.

Ohhhh, that was a long walk for that pun!

A snarky image telling me I’m missing the point isn’t a fucking answer to the question you dumbass.

Sadly, nearly every “worst list” can be summed up by “the South".

“Some Content”

The point I failed at making was that I don’t get how some people respond to people who are clearly in favor of puritanism by calling them misogynists.

None? None.

Wow. You are dumb. How you somehow managed to comprehend that I’m saying ‘doxxing is OK’ is astounding. Truly, it boggles the mind.


No, no. I get that.

Nah. The Internet has been mostly the same since the mid-90s. Using a web browser to go to pages. Pages found with a search engine.

That’s one hell of a typo!

The fact that you people make jokes like this rather than being in open rebellion boggles the mind.

Just admit when you are wrong. No need to make yourself into a wrong idiot.

Actually the Peter principle promotes competent people. It just promotes them into incompetence.


I don’t know what is worse. The idiocy of your post or the amount of idiots that starred it.

Some content