
I have a question for the class. How do you people take “humiliating porn stars” and see “humiliating women”?

Yeah! Their private lives on the public internet!

Cool! Thanks for telling me about it! Going to go check out some reviews.

How about I just get an Android laptop/notebook. Are those a thing that exist?

I would think the main draw is games.

Yeah, but other people get to read and learn things this way. Besides, fun facts are fun!

That could be because there’s little crossover between pirates and Beyoncé fans—but as far as I know everyone is a Beyoncé fan.

If your time is worthless.

Fair enough.

Relativity, the expansion of the cosmos, and the Big Bang. No matter what galaxy you are in, all the other galaxies are moving away from you. You are in the center.

For the record, the existence of Hawking radiation is a consequence of how the event horizon works. Sure they are two different things, but not like two different discoveries.

Fuck you are dumb.

GRRM disagrees with you....


You’re a fucking idiot.

You haven’t watched TOS recently, have you? First off, Season 3 was terrible. FAAAR worse than TNG Season 1. TOS seasons 1&2 are actually pretty damned good.

Doing the promotion for the film is part of the contract. And big name actors aren’t going to take a pay cut to avoid doing press tours. Unless the studios are paying to be on the interviews, I don’t think they can save much money.

Really? I’d expect the usual response to be something more like “Sailor Moon is from the Moon, not Japan, noob.”

Interesting. So white people think they are white because that’s their default. The Japanese think they are Japanese because they actually are Japanese.

Tuxedo mask has black hair. Sailor moon has blonde hair. Their daughter has pink hair.