
30 year follow on study?? What kind of bullsh*t is that?Young whipper snappers aren’t the people going out and getting colon cancer screenings. 50 year olds are.

Kodi and/or Plex. Problem solved.

To be fair, 2009 was pretty good and in the new one, they are saying that the one with Khan never happened. They are just ignoring it like, nope.

So.... old timey texting and sexting!

Oh for cripe’s sake. If you are going to be making a thing big enough to put a person, put a goddamn ICE in there. 20 min flying time for a vehicle? Gimme a break!

A safety margin of times 4 seems reasonable. In aviation, every safety factor is multiplied by 10.

“Should we also ban/limit blood donations from persons of color based on these statistics?”

Individuals in committed, monogamous relationships cheat. It happens. Sometimes rarely, sometimes often.

Right. Because everyone in here knows that partners cheating on each other is a physical impossibility.

When we are taking about medicine. When we are taking about people’s health and people’s life, shouldn’t we be conservative? Even at the cost of being massively unfair?

They are asking questions about lifestyle. They ask about drug use. They ask about sexual past. They ask about recent travel destinations.

A) HIV is not cooties, you fucking idiot.

Bad decision. It increases the risk for people for no benefit. We have enough blood. No one dies because not enough people donate blood.

You don’t buy a new laptop or even a new tablet every couple of years just because. Why do it with phones?

What people don’t realize is this isn’t a woman. It is an advanced cyborg robot starting the revolution.

You know that part of the article where you are talking about the outrage factory, how they go around manufacturing outrage at the simplest things, at the biggest things, and how it doesn’t actually work?

It is like The Daily Show. They offer up great news, but on the rare occasion they fuck up the way Fox does 12K times a day...

Because the people running disney are suits, not nerds. And not-nerds suck.

They’d have a window of only a few seconds to launch their fighters in order to successfully catch up with the Blackbird, and then another window of a second or two to get their missiles off.