
It has 68k pounds of thrust for a plane that weighs 170k pounds. It isn’t going to push you back into your chair. Someone else said that it takes them 20 minutes to get up to mach 3. That’s about 0.09g.

Just use wolfram alpha. Makes life easier.

HEY EVERYONE! If you are about to say how the EU also didn’t give them a happy ending please remember:

Even just changing the names from “New Republic” to “the Resistance” and “Empire” to “First Order” goes a long way to destroying the happy ending in a way the EU never did.

What fight were you watching?? He was already dead if the ground hadn’t opened up. She was already winding up for her coup de grace.

Because when Kylo Ren was in her head, she got as much from him as he did from her. That alone is madness. Never mind that by doing that completely unreasonable thing she far, far, far surpassed him in everything that he’s been training for since, sometime or other.

Being able to press the power button then getting your ass handed to you with ease isn’t exactly what ant reasonable person would call “wielding” a weapon.

Wow, she is ubercute when she isn’t being all, uh, ‘action movie grumpy’.

Its easy to love wines without looking like a snob. Drink a whole box!

You call yourself a nerd and the lack of Y-wings were a problem for you??? That’d be like someone claiming to be a military buff be confused that there were no Spitfires fighting in Iraq.

Now, months later, Kyushu Electric Power Co. is preparing to guard the controversial best, cleanest, and most readily deployable energy source (that idiots don’t understand and are scared of) against terrorist attacks, too.

Thank you! (And consumer reports)

Jesus titty-fucking Christ. China is a nation that ONLY has Fox News.

I have no clue, lol! You are probably right. I know they’ll eventually solve the problems. Older games will have to be patched to use the new API’s at the very least.

IDK. I think they all look absurd. On purpose. Like they are aware of the fact that they are trying too hard. And they are trying too hard in a (successful, IMO) attempt to be funny/dorky.

Off the shelf gaming parts? My Joystick and throttle are better than theirs!

Damn. “The 8gb was transported on a usb stick by carrier pigeon.”

Not unless drivers and programming for the rift, graphic cards, sli, and the games is improved. As it is now, they apparently have problems running on two cards. I guess having one card per screen creates a lot of overhead that running two cards on one screen doesn’t?

Step one: Wait until the rift actually comes out, that way you’ll more likely be able to afford the parts.