
Quality writing? Ha ha, no.

Should? Probably not.

Tell me about it! I tried making a sauce for the first time the other day. Once I took it off the heat, it turned into a gooey soild.

I’ll grant you that ‘unacceptable’ isn’t the best word the dictionary could have used. ‘Inappropriate’ would probably have been a better choice for the dictionary authors to have used. ‘Unacceptable’ is slightly too broad a word because it includes both ‘inappropriate’ and ‘undesired’ under its umbrella.

Read half my comment then gave up, eh?

Ok. I have no clue how many devices are in use. Isn’t it ironic?

For the recipes that say: Reduce sauce by 7mm?

Not going to hold his hand because you realized it was a dumb thing to say and there is nowhere to lead him to?

Contracts are written in legalese. The average american reads at an 8th grade level. For an american to read legalese requires them to study for an additional, what, 7 years? Minimum.

Planet of the not-idiots. Clearly, you aren’t from there.

That’s...... the.. best. response...... you.... could.... come... up.... with?.....

Nah. I just expect better than articles that have no point besides making fucking stupid jokes. Especially from a tech & science blog, I expect to not have to wade through sensationalist garbage. Double especially because this site often posts articles correcting and chastising other outlets for this type of bullshit

One can hope. Though I wouldn’t hold my breath.

You do realize that your post is the whining and crying baby here right? Not the commentor who is telling you to STFU?

On the “official,” thing. I am NOT drawing a distinction here. AGAIN, my argument has been from the beginning that what the ESRB is doing is censorship. At this point, I don’t know how else to get that across or know why you keep trying to school me by repeating what I’ve been saying over and over.

People have even turned to bizarro conspiracy theories, blaming the game’s popularity on ‘social justice warriors’ or ‘furries’ who are allegedly banding together to steal the thunder from games that actually ‘deserve’ it.

Ahh, you want the data proving a negative, right......

Sure. Games are not exclusively the static product of a single artist’s vision. Of course games are created from a collaboration between a multitude of developers.

On an unrelated note:

So what kind of dressing would you like with that word salad?