
Laptops. Laaaaptop. L.A.P.T.O.P.S. LAPTOPS.

Macs are fucking shit. But to say that they are a niche market and that most people who buy laptops buy a windows laptop is so very wrong.

If you really wanna go balls to the wall, you can build one for just over a quarter the price, but twice as good. And then still install OSX on it.

Your mistake was calling it an opinion in the first place ;)

From the wiki on this star:

Probably surprised to look that young again.

The Performance MX and Proteus Core have my all-time favorite mouse feature: momentum scrolling. [snip]

Ability to get from point A to B. This isn’t hard.

Yes, sometimes people are wrong and think an issue is one that will be solved simply by raising awareness when it won’t be.

Win. Win win win.

It depends. Sometimes awareness needs to be raised. If people don’t know that there is a problem, they won’t solve it.

Well, that’s likely because if you are arguing against an Occupy supporter you ARE wrong. Reality has a well known liberal bias.

Yes it is pandering, why not talk to people in a language they understand? Let’s say there is a proposal will help the environment and the economy and you are trying to convince someone to support the proposal. If that person doesn’t care about the environment, should you hammer away at how much it will help the

This is actually the only place where I would actually recommend magnetized drivers.

No, no, no, no, no.

A batter is out for illegal action when...He interferes with the catcher’s fielding or throwing by stepping out of the batter’s box or making any other movement that hinders the catcher’s play at home base.

This is the best fucking story. Ever.

Can you use a VM? I had OSX installed on a PC back in the day when they first switched over from PowerPC to Intel. Hackintosh as it were.