
After screwing up so hard for so long, they can only go upwards, I guess.

Last I checked, charities always give you something in return. A bracelet, calendar, keychain, etc. Sure they are charging your for more than it is worth, that’s why it is a charity, but you get something in return.

So the other day when I gave money to that hobo I wasn’t donating money? Pretty sure that I was.

Never mind.

One time I saw a big rig rear end another one. It went about 2 car lengths deep into the back end of the big rig in front of it.

They are driving something that weighs like a hundred times what your car does. They can drive over you and crush you without noticing.

I don’t know why you would say that? I say “our eyes pick out red better than any color” and you respond with “well that should be the same for yellow too.” Huh? I didn’t say that red is bright and we can see it easily. I said our eyes are very good at picking out red. They are designed to pick out red better than any

Ha ha haha hah a.

Note: What you are talking about isn’t a flowchart. This is a flowchart:

Not really, no. Red is the color our eyes respond to most strongly. We are able to pick it out better than most colors. It is likely to do with foraging. You need to find the red berries in the field of green bushes.

Cause keying your car lets rust in and actually ruins the car, forcing you to replace the car or do extremely costly repairs about half a decade earlier than you would have to do it otherwise?

What I need is something that tells me which of these is is bloatware and which of these is useful additions.

Step 4 is really important if you want to do it right wrong.


Burying your head in the sand rather than exposing yourself to facts that challenge your world view? How very conservative of you.

There are several unrelated or semi-related cognitive functions of the brain that lead to a belief in god. As you say, Theory of mind is one. Pattern matching is a big one.

In Age of Ultron, Tony Stark sees a dream of the Avengers lying in ruins, thanks to the psychic powers of Scarlet Witch. This leaves him ruled by fear, and causes him to use Loki’s scepter (from the first movie) to create an artificial intelligence called Ultron, to protect everybody from the unknowable threats that

Doctor Who. That is what a Dalek looks like on the inside.

Incite that kinda rage.