
Wow. You are so full of shit. It would be funny if it weren’t so sad.

To be fair, “choose to be part of organized religion” is rarely what happens. “indoctrinated from birth to be part of organized religion” is what happens most of the time.

Everyone wins the blame game and we all lose

You’re a fuxing idiot.

I think you should give Shelix one of these also!

You do groceries on a bicycle? You are full of it.

I’ll have to try that next time :)

As compared to the other kind of self-important types who want to waste everyone else’s time by getting things out in their own due time even though everyone in the room already knows exactly what is about to come out of their mouth?

I’m guessing you’ve never met a rambler. Its a safe bet, cause if you had met one and if you didn’t change your tune about interuptions, you wouldn’t be posting here, you’d be stuck still waiting for this jackass to finally shut up.

You got OWNED, son.

If their country isn’t looking out for their best interests, and is only doing whatever it can to screw them so the politicians can make a buck, then yes, they are right to not be loyal to their country.

If there’s anything worse than uninformed opinion and brand loyalty, it is dismissing people with your uninformed opinion because of brand loyalty.

Yeah, you might want to look up what hipster means. Cause what you described? Ain’t it.

How do you do groceries? Do you shop at costco to supply a family of 4?

Hi, Montrealer here.

It isn’t about whether or not this guy is credible. It is about whether or not Ms. Pinola is writing ethically or not.

What the hell makes him think that necessarily works for everybody else?

If you’re always telling someone to stop behaving a certain way and they only continue, that person is probably toxic.

Dear Happily Overweight Harold,

“Unless we go into new fields and develop new drilling techniques, we will run out of oil in 30 years!”