
Well, no, because your entire post only works if the Sad Puppies are a racial movement. They aren’t. They are a conservative political movement. With all the racism, sexism, reactionism, and nostalgia for the good old days (that never existed) that being conservative entails.

Well sure. People will take a reasonable argument and try to stretch it into places where it does not fit. That’s why you always find people comparing things to Hitler and the nazis.

My argument is that agreeing with the political slant of a work isn’t the same as thing as the work being good quality. My argument is that before the interference, the Hugos chose good quality works and that they didn’t make choices solely by political slant.

If this was a racial issue, well, you still wouldn’t have much of a point, but at least you’d be engaging in reality. As it stands, however...

Also, I remember reading something recently that the noise or vibrations a plane makes affects how you perceive taste.

I understand. I can only imagine how much time and effort you have to put in dragging your finger across the screen trying to sounding out all the words.

No, because that would be a stupid thing to think. I can see why you would resort to believing it, however.

There is a difference between “Your argument is stupid and that makes you stupid for using it” and “You are stupid therefore your argument is wrong.” I am doing the first one and the second one is an ad hominem attack.

*Should I bother to explain what the word bigot means and how this response just goes towards confirming bigotry? Nah, fuck it. It’ll just go over this rube’s head anyways*

If I’m calling you out for using dumbass logic that you would (rightly) deride when applied to women or minorities, do you really think I’m going to respond to an extremely poorly constructed strawman?

It’s cute how you think a terrible, idiotic argument that has been derided for generations suddenly becomes applicable when it is applied to a group you happen to disagree with.

Derision stemming from shitty, piss poor logic is still shitty, piss poor logic. Even if you are targeting a group that deserves derision.

Hey women, you want to be a successful CEO? Just be so good nobody can ignore it! Hit the Glass Ceiling, where men just as good as you get promoted and you don’t? Just be better than them! What’s the big deal?

I don’t understand why people keep saying this. Are you proud to be too dumb to understand sarcasm? Do you just refuse to admit sarcasm exists? Too ignorant to realize that people do in fact take things too far or get upset too easily? (#CancelColbert)

Yes, of course they realize that. That’s why the term is used ironically. #CancelColbert

So, let me get this straight, you are proud that sarcasm is too complex a topic for you and is ‘beyond you’.

He played a large part in taking the defense/university network that would go on to become the internet and helped turn it into the internet.

...the FDA didn’t even regulate tobacco until 2009...

But, again, the Smithsonian has always done private fundraising. And if you see this as an extension of that, arguments against using Kickstarter are actually pretty dumb.