
Who would have thought that the internet would be the death of free speech? It was supposed to go the other way round.

I think you should double check you $600 dollar build. The ‘alternative’ option you give is FAR better then the build you end up with.

Its Kodi now :)

1080p, pfft, 720i for that matter. Also, anything more than stereo sound. Using a fancy skin. Gigabit ethernet. Wi-fi.

...... 32 .... GB....

I put this s*** on everything.

I don’t know what multitasking tests you are talking about, but they aren’t the tests run in the article you linked to.

Murder porn, the term you are looking for is murder porn.

On the other hand, they tested ram without multitasking anything. You know... the thing ram is for?

I’m not sure how big of a deal this is, but it should be noted that the tests were run using an SSD, if you are still using a regular old HDD (like I am ) YMMV.

Hey, if He couldn’t come up with something better for himself (or his son, depending on your view of the trinity) do you really expect him to come up with something better for some random strangers?

You’ve got it backwards. You have a list of these occurrences specifically because of how out of the norm they are. If you were back in an earlier era there would be no list, you’d just be saying “Oh, massacres happen to everyone at any time, just a fact of life.”

Google: We support net neutrality but only if it means we can push QoS to customers on our THEIR own terms.

1) Bringing up expenditures as a percent of GPD is idiotic. Force strength isn’t measured relative to GDP.

That’s really nice, thank you.

Pretty sure this isn’t the lunar lander.

I hate to be that guy and I normally cringe when people bitch about this type of thing but...

They really need to come up with a better system...

So Wikipedia is a “Never, NEVER use as final word” resource and dead paper encyclopedias that are proven to be less accurate than wikipedia are ‘a reasonable resource’ depending on use.

This spell transformed a small piece of wood into a 10-foot-long battle staff that wizards could wield.