
Let me guess, you also date the bad guys cause you think you can ‘fix’ him, right?


So... like Stockholm Syndrome, then?

The “Case” Against Aspartame

1. Don’t forget common sense. Unless you’re going to eat 3 pounds of grapes before they spoil, just because they’re cheaper per pound doesn’t necessarily mean you should buy them at Costco.


It been an hour, don’t leave us hanging ;)


1. God and Satan are not hanging out, the sons of God came before him and Satan is also a son of God (Job 2:6). Job loses everything but never abandons his faith; he does become frustrated and outraged and basically says “I love you God, but what the heck?”, but he never abandons his submission and in the end is

It is only a ‘heart’ issue because you refuse to use your ‘head’. We have looked at genetic samples of different species and traced how they’ve evolved. We have observed speciation. People have given you links to show that.

It a good thing that I’m gonna do that for you. Cause I’m pretty sure you don’t know what smarmy means, either.

Actually, come to think of it, if god had hid away the bodies Moses probably would have noticed that as well.

The story of Job. He is hanging out with the Devil. He isn’t fighting him or anything, they are just hanging out. Then in an effort to win the bet, he tortures Job and murders his family.

Ok, now that you have chrome Opened in Modern UI, open firefox or IE in it as well.

So then is doesn’t disprove young earth creationism and flood geology? Make up your mind!

You do realize that evolutionary science has advanced somewhat in the last 200 years, right? In that time, we’ve discover genetics. Genetics makes Darwin’s observations about evolution obsolete. We no longer look at features and guess relations. We know.

Well, for one thing, if God created the world in 6 days, 600 years ago, and the flood happened and what not - we would expect to see oil deposits in different locations.

What other creationists are there? I think you are talking about Intelligent Design? If so, that isn’t a subset of creationism.

I think 50% of people having read the bible would be astoundingly high. Especially if they were still christians afterwards.

Except for the fact that the dog ran away cause you kept kicking it and beating it.