
God is easily the most villainous character in fiction. He has launched genocides to show off his power. He tortures people for fun. He murdered an entire family to win a bar room bet with his buddy.

Well, one problem in answering the question is we don’t know what the smallest thing is yet. We are still smashing little things together to break them so we can look at the debris.

At least on Gawker, the fact that mass shooters are white is generally brought up in the comments.

A word of caution here. There’s a tendency to use articles like this to justify complacency with weight and health, even if you really should lose weight. If this applies to you, don’t glean the parts of this article that allow you to rationalize reasons not to.

A pilot on board an aircraft can see, feel, smell or hear many indications of an impending problem and begin to formulate a course of action before even sophisticated sensors and indicators provide positive indications of trouble.

Ah. Makes sense. Although, counting that in the same group as the crusades is stretching the use of words to near meaninglessness.

Sure there is. We need an animal for our purposes, we use it up. That’s how nature works.

Yeah, I linked the citation....

Fine, the 60s called they want their medical knowledge back.

Yes? What is the problem? Using other animals for your purposes has a name. Nature.

The 60s called. They want their medical advice back.

Unless you live in Malaysia, buy local clothes. No worries about slavery. Of course, then instead of buying a $10 t shirt it’ll cost you $75.

We aren’t too good with Ambulances here, either.


I don’t believe any kid just becomes a racist on his own.

I also vehemently disagree with onetosee4one, but could you explain how the mongols and germans were religious based?

The world population went from a couple hundred million to several billion. You realize that completely invalidates your point, right?

I don’t know man. Watching Peter learn to web sling is gold. I could watch a movie with that once a year.

Well, in all fairness, it is their fault.

Something like offering them healthcare dollars that would help alleviate some of the problem? Oh, wait...